Multimedia Presentation Services

While there may be nothing better than an "in person" sales presentation, the cost and time required are often prohibitive. Also, you might invest all that time and money and have an off day or find that the key person you want to engage had a last minute conflict.

Multimedia presentations allow you to present exactly what you want with the same quality, enthusiasm, and focus each and every time! And your target audience has the flexibility to view your presentation when it's most convenient for them.

Of course multimedia presentations can also enhance your live sales interactions by displaying important information in an interesting and even entertaining way. Liven up your presentations with multimedia support!

ACF provides state of the art multimedia solutions that can incorporate graphics, text, Flash animation, photos, video, and sound into a polished and professional presentation package that will impress and engage your marketing targets.

Multimedia presentation solutions can be delivered through a variety of media including CDs, DVDs, Websites, and at trade shows or business events.

Personal Approach to Multimedia Presentation Services

  • An ACF multimedia consultant will work with you throughout the multimedia design and production process to fully understand your presentation objectives and target market. We know that no one understands your business better than you do. This personal approach to multimedia presentation services results in a final product that you will be proud of!

Increase Your Dynamic Sales Capacity

  • There are only so many days in a year and so many sales representatives that can effectively promote your business. How many travel hours and dollars do you need to invest to make a 90 minute presentation? ACF provides multimedia presentation solutions that eliminate the need to travel for a majority of your initial sales presentations. This allows you to focus your time and energy on your business and following up on viable leads.
  • Using multimedia presentation solutions also provides an inexpensive option for making quality presentations to large numbers of potential clients at low cost. They also allow you to take advantage of spontaneous sales lead or networking opportunities by providing potential clients with a convenient CD or DVD.

The Expertise and Tools to Get the Job Done

  • The consultants at ACF have extensive experience and expertise in project design and multimedia presentation development. We also use state-of-the-art tools and technology so you can relax and expect a professional, high quality multimedia presentation that will help your business grow.

Contact ACF Consulting to find out more about how multimedia presentation services can work for your business.

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Presentation Services
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